
Struggling With The Habit Holding You Back?

Have you felt you could achieve so much more if you could overcome that one stubborn habit holding you back?

We all have. For me, the battle has been with distraction—a silent yet persistent enemy that has repeatedly derailed my progress.

Imagine this: you start learning a new skill, full of enthusiasm and drive. The initial progress is exhilarating. But then, slowly, something else grabs your attention. Before you know it, you’re pulled in another direction, leaving your original pursuit half-finished.

It’s disheartening. Each unfinished task reminds us of what could have been—a potential achievement turned into another mark on the list of incompletions. It isn’t just about an incomplete task; it’s the nagging feeling that you’re not living up to your potential.

But here’s the thing—it’s not a lack of interest. If you weren’t interested, you wouldn’t have started in the first place.

Distraction, focus, and mindfulness are all interwoven in this complex habit many of us battle with. The root cause may vary, but the outcome is almost always the same: unfinished projects, lost opportunities, and a growing sense of frustration.

The Silent Impact

Leaving things unfinished doesn’t just add to your to-do list; it chips away at your confidence and self-worth. Each incomplete task becomes a constant reminder of what could have been—a ghost of potential left unfulfilled. It’s a cycle that, if unchecked, can become a defining trait, leading to even more frustration and self-doubt.

Take, for example, the online course I eagerly started. I was on fire for the first few weeks—completely engaged and making noticeable progress. But then, as if on cue, another shiny opportunity came along. Its newness was too tempting to resist. And so, I switched gears, abandoning the course halfway.

If this had been a one-off event, I wouldn’t be concerned. But it’s become a pattern, a deeply ingrained habit. And we all know habits aren’t easy to break. They have a way of sneaking into our daily lives, subtly influencing our choices until one day, we realise they’re running the show.

Fighting Back

Let me admit: it’s been tough so far. I’ve sought advice, tried different strategies, and even worked with a mindfulness practitioner. The advice was sound, the techniques promising, but the execution is where the real challenge lies. It’s a daily struggle, a constant push and pull between intent and habit.

Progress isn’t linear. There are days when I fall back into old patterns and the frustration mounts. But I’m learning to be patient with myself. Change takes time, and each small step forward is a victory, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

My current mission is to finish three tasks I started but still need to complete. These aren’t just random to-dos; they represent my commitment to breaking this cycle of distraction and incompleteness. I’ve set deadlines, and though the road ahead is steep, I’m determined to see it through.

Breaking Free

If you find yourself struggling with a similar challenge—distraction, procrastination, or any other trait holding you back—know that you’re not alone. We all have our battles. The first step is recognising the habit and acknowledging its impact on your life. From there, it’s about being patient, persistent, and celebrating the small wins.

It’s okay to stumble. What matters is that you keep moving forward. Could you make a pact to tackle these habits head-on, one step at a time? Know that it is possible to break free from the chains that hold you back and unlock the potential just waiting to be realised.

Every little step forward is progress. And progress, no matter how slow, is still progress.

Keep going—you’ve got this.

About Me

I am a thinker at all times. I see, I think. I hear, I think. I read, I think. Every weekend I write. I would love to know what you think.