
(Fame + Power + Rank + Riches + Status) < A Real Friend

Think about it: What or who brings you happiness? When you are with that one person (or a few), the world seems a better place.

Hankering for fame, money, power, and status can only bring so much. You may have them all and still feel empty or unhappy. 

What truly matters is if you have a good friend. 

I’m not talking about a casual acquaintance or someone you occasionally chat with, but a real friend. The kind of friend who sticks around when life gets tough, when the skies turn grey, and when the rest of the world seems to be walking out.
Walter Winchell captured it perfectly:

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

Consider yourself blessed if you have one.

True friendship is rare and invaluable. It goes beyond the superficial, crossing the boundaries of time and distance.

The Enduring Power of Friendship

Friendship isn’t bound by time. You may not have spoken to your dear friend in months, maybe even years, but when you reconnect, it feels like nothing has changed. That’s the beauty of true friendship — it doesn’t fade with time or distance.

The most remarkable friendships can grow and evolve without losing their essence. You can go on different paths and live in other cities or countries, but when you come together, you pick up right where you left off.

It’s effortless. It’s magic.

A Friend's Value Isn't Measured by Proximity

Friendship isn’t about constant communication or physical closeness. It’s about the connection, the understanding, and the love that exists even when you’re apart. Some of my closest friends live far away, and while I don’t speak to them often, I know they’re there. And they know I’m here.

This is where the magic of true friendship comes in: it transcends the need for regular interaction or validation. There are no grudges, no guilt for not staying in touch more often. Just a deep understanding that you’re there for each other when it truly matters.

That’s the true measure of friendship — it’s not in the number of conversations but in the depth of connection.


Friends Through the Seasons of Life

A true friend enriches your life in ways you might not even notice. They light up the room with their presence when they’re around, making every moment brighter. It’s not about where you are but who you’re with that turns ordinary moments into cherished memories.

Think about a time when you were with your dear friend. Did it matter where you were? Whether sitting in a crowded café or just strolling through a park, the place faded into the background, and the joy of being together remained.

If you’ve experienced this, consider yourself incredibly fortunate. A good friend doesn’t just come into your life; they stay through thick and thin, good times and bad.

Friendship is one of the most significant contributors to a meaningful and fulfilling life. True friends challenge, inspire, and stand by us in our lowest moments. Life is unpredictable, often throwing obstacles our way. It’s in these moments that the value of friendship shines the brightest.

As Tennessee Williams said:

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.”

Think of your closest friends. Have they shaped who you are today? The answer is probably yes. The people we surround ourselves with influence our thoughts, actions, and even our world perception. True friends push us to grow and support us in becoming the best versions of ourselves.

The Blessing of Lifelong Friends

You share more than memories when you’ve had a friend for decades. You share history. They’ve seen you at your best and your worst. They know your quirks, your dreams, your fears. And despite all of that, they choose to stay. That’s the mark of a true friend.

Lifelong friendships are a testament to the endurance of human connection. They’ve weathered storms together, celebrated triumphs, and mourned losses. As the years go by, these friendships become even more valuable.

Photo Credit: Meenakshi

H. Jackson Brown, Jr. once said:

"Remember that life's most valuable antiques are dear old friends.”

How Friendships Evolve

Friendships, like any relationship, require care and attention. But unlike many other relationships, friendships can withstand long periods of neglect. You may not talk for months, but when you do, it’s as if no time has passed.

However, friendships also evolve. Your childhood friends may not be the ones who walk with you in adulthood. And that’s okay. People grow, circumstances change, and sometimes friendships drift apart. But the ones that remain, the friendships that withstand the test of time, are the ones worth holding onto.

The older you get, the more you realise how important it is to cherish the people in your life who truly matter.

It’s not about the quantity of friends but the quality. As you go through life, you’ll realise that having one or two close friends is far more valuable than having dozens of acquaintances.

Hold on to the True Ones

Friendships, like all good things in life, require effort and appreciation. But when you find those rare, true friends, hold on to them. They are the ones who make life’s journey meaningful. They are the ones who will walk with you through the highs and the lows with no expectations other than your companionship in return.
So, if you’re lucky enough to have a true friend or are searching for one, remember this: friendships are life’s greatest blessing. Cherish them, nurture them, and let them know their value in your life.


About Me

I am a thinker at all times. I see, I think. I hear, I think. I read, I think. Every weekend I write. I would love to know what you think.