
From Pandemic Pause to Published Author: How I Wrote This Book

Strangely enough, I owe the origins of this book to the coronavirus pandemic

Without the unprecedented global lockdowns, I might never have resumed writing. I would publish my thoughts two or three times annually in the years before. But in the summer of 2020, life slowed down in a way none of us could have predicted. 

It was like someone had pressed the pause button on the world.

Suddenly, the air was cleaner, the streets quieter. I heard things I hadn’t noticed in years—the birds, the hum of insects, the breeze in the trees. 

This calm led me into deep introspection. I began to sift through my thoughts and life experiences, and that’s when I realised that some of these insights were worth documenting.

For years, I felt that I had stories to share. I found the time and energy to write those stories on paper during this unexpected lull. Writing wasn’t just about writing anymore; it was about capturing moments of reflection. And I realised that these thoughts might resonate with others, too.

The Birth of my Newsletter

After about a year of writing sporadically, I took the leap. I started a newsletter on LinkedIn, where I shared nuggets from my life experiences every Saturday. 

What I didn’t expect was the response. Slowly but surely, a community began to grow. What started as a small audience of curious readers became a four-figure subscriber base. 

Week after week, I reflected on the lessons life had taught me. Some were about work, others about family, and many about the often-overlooked moments that shape who we are. Each post was a reminder that life, while unpredictable, is filled with opportunities for growth and learning.

Nudge to Publish This Book

My dear friend Gaurav Patra was among the first to nudge me in that direction.

Later, the encouragement from individuals like Rajdeep Sardesai, Mahima Sharma, and Mayank Jain made me take the idea seriously.

I received many other messages from my readers encouraging me to write a book. 

Even though authoring a book had always been on my bucket list, I never imagined it would become a reality. But by the summer of 2024, after writing over 120 personal stories, the idea of turning those reflections into a book felt exciting and achievable.

Writing a book is one thing. But will it be worth reading?

I asked my colleague and friend Rakesh Bedi, a voracious reader, to review my manuscript. His input was invaluable, and it gave me the confidence to publish. 


Designed by Triparna Mitra

I cannot thank Rakesh enough.

Another hurdle was the book cover design. I initially tried my hand at creating one on Canva. With my amateurish designs, I sought feedback from Rakesh. Rather than criticising them, he surprised me by sending three beautifully crafted, professional-looking covers by evening. 

I will always be grateful for this gesture. Thank you to Triparna Mitra for designing this excellent cover, which now graces the front of my book.

A Grateful Heart

I can’t end without expressing my gratitude to you, my readers.

This book is coming out because of you. You’ve been a silent, steadfast source of encouragement, and I am humbled that so many of you found my reflections valuable. Each of you has been a part of this journey, and I hope this book offers something in return.

Last but not least, I want to thank my daughter Sara. An enthusiastic reader, Sara would ask me now and then if my book was ready. This question has been a constant since she first heard of my plan to write a book. She likes the thought of being the daughter of a published author.

Come to think of it, I like it, too.

Why This Book Matters

This book isn’t just a collection of my stories. It reflects life’s unpredictability and the lessons it teaches us. From successes to failures, from moments of deep introspection to lighthearted realisations, these pages capture my journey. 

But more importantly, they’re meant to help you with yours.

In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with information and overwhelmed by life’s demands, I believe there’s value in pausing to reflect. We can inspire one another by sharing our stories—our moments of triumph and vulnerability.


I invite you to be part of this journey. If you’ve found any value in my newsletter or if these words resonate, I encourage you to pre-order the book on Amazon. And if you know someone—a friend, a family member, a colleague—who might benefit from the lessons in these pages, please share this with them. 

The more we share, the more we grow. And I sincerely hope this book finds a place in your life, as these stories have found a place in mine.

About Me

I am a thinker at all times. I see, I think. I hear, I think. I read, I think. Every weekend I write. I would love to know what you think.

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