I worked for nine years, and the HR team was formed only after I checked out. The company had grown large, and it was no longer possible to manage without it.
Learn, Lead, Leap
Hey, you enjoy reading, don’t you?
What if you could gain real-life insights from lived experiences of a writer?
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Beyond Salary & Designation: The Wealth That Matters
‘What keeps you going?’ A former colleague asked me this when she learned I completed 18 years in my current workplace. ‘A few things, but mostly, it’s the ...
Do you procrastinate tough conversations? You’re an efficient team lead; you know your and your team’s strengths and weaknesses well and allocate jobs based on individual skill and competence. But there’s one thing you can’t handle or don’t wish to – tough conversations.
Why KISS is the Best Way to TELL
Have you been proud of your creative analysis and later realised you had over-thought and exceeded the brief? I have been there.
It Took Me 17 Years to Do This
Do you compliment your wife in public or credit her for her actions and accomplishments? I plead guilty here.
Who I am Most Grateful to & Why
Who are you most grateful to? You may have a long or shortlist. But there will be someone who tops the list, who you are eternally and infinitely grateful to.
Your Voice, My Choice
- Erwin Schrodinger
This is what Rajen does in his blog. Picks up everyday instances of lived experiences and presents a thought around them that is eye opening. I particularly remember a part of his writing when he mentioned two of his interactions with Mr V Krishnamurthy 4 years apart. And he said how the gentleman remembered his name. Rajen then presented a thought that changed my idea of relationships, he said Mr V Krishnamurthy remembered a young Rajen from a meeting 4 years ago not because Rajen was important or the person had a great memory. Mr Krishnamurthy remembered Rajen because he cared. I love reading his blogs for such invaluable insights. His interpretation of everyday interactions that can change the way we live life is something all of us can learn from.
Director, Mahika Mishra Foundation
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A Life Interrupted: What Sudden Loss Teaches You
A Life Interrupted: What Sudden Loss Teaches You It was
You Think You Can’t Dance? This Performer Can Prove You Wrong
Let me know if this sounds like you. You’ve been at a party, tapping your foot, wishing you could shake a leg without being dragged to the dance floor. You’ve watched others move so easily while you just couldn’t get yourself to join in. It’s not that you don’t enjoy dancing; your legs seem to freeze at the thought.
(Fame + Power + Rank + Riches + Status) < A Real Friend
Think about it: What or who brings you happiness? When you are with that one person (or a few), the world seems a better place. Hankering for fame, money, power, and status can only bring so much. You may have them all and still feel empty or unhappy. The older you get, the more you realise how important it is.
The Gap Between Knowing and Doing: A Self-Improvement Writer’s Confession
Because I write about self-improvement, some readers assume my life is sorted. They think I have all the answers, know precisely what to do, and have mastered dealing with all situations and people. But let me tell you something: writing about self-improvement is one thing; living it is another.
How Modern Goods and Services Became Part of Our Lives
Does it upset you when a product or service you cherish shuts down? Last week, I was disheartened to hear about two services I frequently used closing down. But not all good things have come to an end.
When Conversations Turn Sour: How Politics Can Derail Connection
Have you ever wanted to leave a group chat or online community to escape the flood of unpleasant conversations? You've been there, haven't you?