Hang on!
You’re not alone.
Millions feel this way at some point in their life. Some give up. Some fight back. And the vast majority wait for their life to change miraculously.
If you’re miserable now or prone to such feelings, read THIS.
It inspires me each time I feel low. My grief pales in significance when I think of his.
I’ve never met or spoken to him. But I feel like I know him.
His name is Jon Morrow. His life is a testament to resilience.
He was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, severely limiting his physical abilities. Imagine only being able to move your eyes and lips while the rest of your body remains paralysed.
BAD, right? That’s the life Jon has lived each day.
It’s a harsh reality that would break most people.
But not Jon.
If that’s not enough, in 2006, a teenager crashed into Jon’s car causing him severe damage and leaving him hospitalised for three months.
To make matters worse, doctors predicted a year-long recovery period. It’s the kind of situation that could plunge anyone into anger and despair.
But not Jon.
He said, “If I allowed myself to be angry for even one moment, I may have sunk into a pit of rage and despair so deep I would’ve never climbed out of it.”
Instead, he chose acceptance and asked himself, “Okay, this is my life now. What’s next?”
You won’t believe where Jon is today.
He is a millionaire. Despite his physical limitations, he uses speech recognition technology to write blogs and articles, reaching millions of readers. From the confines of his wheelchair, speaking into a microphone, he defied the odds and achieved remarkable success.
‘What! Are you serious,’ you may wonder.
I did, too, when I first heard his story.
How does someone hit so hard by cruel circumstances in life bounce back?
According to Jon, the key is to increase your pain tolerance.
Easier said than done, you may think.
Hear this from Jon:
“At some point or another, life punches everyone in the face. The punch may be hard, or it may be soft, but it’s definitely coming, and your success or failure is largely determined by the answer to a single question: how well can you take the punch?”
How does someone who has faced so much adversity derive such strength?
Jon makes it look simple: “The more pain you experience, the more you can handle in the future, and the less it knocks you off your game.”
As a child, unable to participate in sports and other fun stuff kids do, Jon turned to books. He devoured six books a week, developing his writing skills along the way.
Today, he’s one of the top writers online who has impressed and inspired thousands of people, including some of the world’s biggest influencers.
So, what’s the biggest life lesson one can learn from Jon?
“The next time life punches you in the face, stop for a moment and ask yourself this simple question: What’s the counterpunch?”
Sounds incredible, right, coming from a guy who cannot move any part of his body except his eyes and lips?
But that’s Jon Morrow, my hero.
If you hear him, he’d be yours too, if not already.
About Me
An international award-winning producer, I have steered over two dozen TV channel launches, rebranding, and refresh projects and produced thousands of hours of content for news and current affairs.
Incredible story of a brave human being! 👏👏👏