
The Enduring Connections at the Workplace (Nothing Official About It!)

What was that one thing in 2023 that stood out for you?

That gem you discovered and now hold close with pride and affection?

Often, something unexpected pleasantly surprises us and becomes a cherished part of our lives.

As the year draws to a close, it’s an instinct for many of us to look back and reflect. My reflection led me to discover a counterintuitive fact.

Earlier this year, my workplace was realigned, shifting my responsibilities and office to the top floor of a new building. Spaced apart from my former team, I anticipated the typical out-of-sight, out-of-mind scenario. However, the reality unfolded differently.

The Unexpected Continuity

Despite the physical and organisational distance, many former team members continued to seek me out. They made the extra effort to climb the stairs to my new office for advice or just a chat. This was a heartwarming revelation, defying my expectations of fading connections.

Months passed, yet the frequency of these visits and messages didn’t wane. It wasn’t just about professional guidance; it was the comfort of a familiar conversation, the reassurance of a trusted relationship.

These weren’t obligatory interactions; they were genuine connections that withstood the test of time and change.

Beyond Official Ties

These connections transcended official roles. They weren’t limited to direct reports but extended across the department. This enduring connection was a rarity in a world where professional relationships often end with a change in leadership or roles.

One might wonder, what’s so unusual about colleagues seeking advice or trying to stay in touch?

In the corporate world, relationships often wane once the direct professional link is severed. You may have seen (like I’ve) many instances where individuals move on and lose contact with the past. Mostly, out of sight is out of mind. Others detach when they feel you can no longer influence their life.

No judgment here! It’s a human tendency.

Yet, here was a different script being played out. Why?

The X Factor

The key to these lasting relationships is the organic interest in people. It’s about going beyond the confines of professional roles and genuinely connecting personally. Such bonds don’t dissolve easily. They endure the changes in roles, the passage of time, and the physical distance.

"A real connection is not just about the words being spoken but about understanding the unspoken messages."

This week, I met a former colleague I last worked with over a decade ago. Our connection remained as strong as ever, unaffected by time or distance. It’s a testament to the depth and authenticity of these relationships.

Why Deep Bonds Are Uncommon

Reflecting on why such enduring connections are rare, I understand it’s about how you value and nurture these relationships. 

It's about seeing beyond the immediate professional context and building bonds that last a lifetime. It's about connecting with people. Nothing official about it. You may have known each other officially, but the connection extends beyond. This happens when you take an organic interest in people. Such connections don’t detach easily.

They are the true treasures in our lives, outlasting the transient nature of professional roles and responsibilities.

As we enter a new year, let’s carry the lesson of the enduring power of genuine connections. They are the real achievements, far surpassing any professional accolade or accomplishment.

Let’s build and cherish these connections, for they are the ones that truly enrich our lives.

As you reflect on the past year, remember the value of these bonds and let them guide your interactions in the year ahead. The relationships that we nurture with sincerity and care are the ones that stand the test of time.

I can vouch for that and feel blessed to know how it feels. It makes every new year happy.

I wish the same for you.

About Me

I am a thinker at all times. I see, I think. I hear, I think. I read, I think. Every weekend I write. I would love to know what you think.

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4 months ago

One of your best, Rajen. Your tuning with people seems to touch their heart. …I am sure that they feel that you give them importance and respect, which is why you continue to enjoy their goodwill (me included!). I am sure that this family of yours – with whom you have a deep connect is only going to grow manifold and make you richer emotionally

Last edited 4 months ago by uma