
You Think You Can't Dance? This Performer Can Prove You Wrong

Let me know if this sounds like you.

You’ve been at a party, tapping your foot, wishing you could shake a leg without being dragged to the dance floor. You’ve watched others move so easily while you just couldn’t get yourself to join in. It’s not that you don’t enjoy dancing; your legs seem to freeze at the thought.

I know that feeling all too well.

My friends and colleagues have spent countless hours persuading me to dance with them, but they have never succeeded. It’s not about being shy or playing hard to get—dancing doesn’t come naturally to me.

But, like many things in life, there are always exceptions.

When I was 10 years old, I attended a Usha Uthup concert. Even at that young age, I sensed something special about her. She wasn’t just a great singer—she had an uncanny ability to connect with everyone in the audience.

She didn’t just sing at you; she performed with you.

Usha Uthup would break into short chats between her songs, gently encouraging the crowd to join. She’d ask people to sing, clap, sway, or dance. I remember vividly how her voice and infectious energy made it impossible not to move.

And I did.

That concert was a revelation for someone who can't dance at all. It’s like my body only listened to her and nobody else. At that moment, I couldn’t resist the pull of her rhythm.

40 Years Later...

Fast forward 40 years, and I swayed to her music again. This time, I didn’t need anyone to coax me. I didn’t need to be pushed or persuaded. As soon as Usha Uthup began to sing, my feet moved on their own, and that too, while I was on official duty.

Usha Uthup at News18 She Shakti 2024
Usha Uthup at News18 She Shakti 2024

In the brief period when Usha Uthup was on stage, I was no longer the awkward guy who hesitated to sway while the music played. It’s hard to explain to others, especially those who have known me as a person who avoids dancing at all costs. I remain the same, yet somehow, when Usha Uthup performs, I’m different.

The Usha Uthup Magic

What is it about her that has this effect?

There’s something undeniably magical about Usha Uthup. She’s not just a great singer; she’s an entertainer, a performer who knows how to make a room come alive. It’s her presence, her connection with the audience, that sets her apart.

When you’re in the same room as her, you get high on the experience. And no, I don’t mean any external substances to feel that buzz—just her music, her energy, and her voice.

It’s impossible to sit still when she’s on stage.

The audience enjoying the Usha Uthup magic at News18 She Shakti 2024
The audience enjoying the Usha Uthup magic at News18 She Shakti 2024

A Night to Remember

This week, Usha Uthup was my company—News18’s— final guest at an exclusive event. As the on-ground director for the event, one of my responsibilities was ensuring the program stayed on schedule. I had to keep reminding all the moderators of time limits and avoid overruns.

Usually, by the time you get to the last act of the evening, you can’t wait for the event to wrap up. You’ve spent hours managing logistics, ensuring everything runs smoothly, and you want the night to end without hiccups.

But when Usha Uthup took the stage, something changed.

For the first time, I didn’t care about the clock. I didn’t give the moderator any time cues. I let her go on as long as she wanted. The interaction with Usha and her performance was so captivating that I, like everyone else, was completely absorbed.

And that’s the Usha Uthup magic at work.

The Secret Sauce

For over five decades, Usha Uthup has entertained audiences worldwide. But it’s not just her voice or her music that keeps people coming back—it’s how she makes you feel. She invites you into her world and gets you to sing along, dance, laugh, and sometimes even cry.

Celebrating Women, Life & Usha Uthup at News18 She Shakti 2024

She makes the music come alive, and in doing so, she helps you come alive, too.

If you’ve ever had the chance to watch her perform live, you know what I’m talking about. There’s something transformative about the experience. And if you haven’t had that opportunity yet, do yourself a favour and make it a point to see her in action.

The Crux

Sometimes, it’s not about whether you have two left feet or feel out of place. It’s about who you’re with and the energy they bring. Usha Uthup can create an environment where it’s impossible not to move or feel the music.

It’s a lesson for all of us. Often, we get so wrapped up in our discomfort or self-consciousness that we miss out on the joy of the moment. But with the right energy, the right encouragement, and the right vibe, we can shed those inhibitions. 

Even if you’ve never danced before, even if you’re the most reluctant mover, someone like Usha Uthup can make you feel like you belong on the dance floor.

Don’t believe me. Just hear her sing: “Main Nachoon, tum Nacho. Jitni tum pyar se jee lo gay, utni hi zindagi” You will know what I mean.


About Me

I am a thinker at all times. I see, I think. I hear, I think. I read, I think. Every weekend I write. I would love to know what you think.

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