
Navigating the Career Seesaw: Change is Inevitable

Navigating the Career Seesaw: Change is Inevitable

This is where many get it wrong. 

Know this: your work status is not fixed. Despite how secure it may seem, it does not last forever.

Have you ever felt like you were doing well at work only to have the rug pulled out from under you?

Or maybe you’ve been stuck in a rut, feeling like things will never improve?

I’ve seen it so often. We often take our place for granted. Assuming it will stay forever is a fallacy if you enjoy the confidence and support of your manager, head of department, or the top boss. Likewise, the reverse holds, too. 

We either get complacent, overconfident, or lose hope completely — the last if you feel you’ve fallen out of favour. In practice, that rarely happens (unless prejudice is at play). 

Our careers are like a seesaw, always teetering between highs and lows. But here's the thing: you can control how hard those seesaw tips are. It's easy to get cozy in your current role, especially when your boss praises you or the company is flourishing. You think you're set. But if there's anything I've learned from my years as an employee and a Head of Department, change is inevitable.

One day, you’re the star player; the next, you’re on the bench. And it can be just the reverse. That dismal feedback you got last quarter? It’s not a life sentence.

So, what’s the game plan? How do you deal?

The Stock Market Analogy

It’s simple: keep showing up.

Even if your confidence is shot or you’re basking in praise, show up like everyday matters. Think of your career as being like the stock market. Your stock is as good as your value on a given day. Like the equity market, it will rise and fall based on how the market values you.

But remember, you have the power to influence that trend. You’ve got to keep at it and give every match your best. You are as good as your last game.

Your value to your boss or workplace isn’t written in stone—it’s rewritten daily. You might be a champion one day and a benchwarmer the next, but you’ll come out on top as long as you keep hustling.

From my own experience, I've seen firsthand how quickly things can shift from gloomy to glowing. A solid contribution can turn the tide, just as a lazy effort can sink you.

But don’t despair! Some of the most impressive turnarounds I’ve witnessed have come from team members who faced unpleasant reviews but took the feedback to heart. They regrouped, put in the work, and came back stronger. They understood that nothing lasts forever, especially not the bad stuff.

The Moderation Mantra

My mantra is simple: I don’t get too excited when my stock skyrockets or too depressed when it nosedives. I do feel good or bad, as the case may be, but my response is in moderation with the knowledge that the status quo will change.

Ride the waves, but don't let them drown you. It's all about keeping perspective. When things are great, celebrate—but don't get cocky. When they're rough, stay grounded and keep pushing forward. The wheel always turns, and those highs and lows will keep coming.

So, remember that your journey isn’t over whether you’re feeling unstoppable or barely holding on. Embrace the change, learn from it, and keep pushing forward.

Success is a moving target, and you have the tools to hit it every time—if you stay in the game.

Ready? It’s game on!

About Me

I am a thinker at all times. I see, I think. I hear, I think. I read, I think. Every weekend I write. I would love to know what you think.

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