
Why Well-Chosen Friends Are Life’s Blessings

Have you ever wondered what the real jackpot in life is?

If you’re scrambling through your mind’s Rolodex for that one sparkly gem, you might be overlooking a treasure that doesn’t glitter like gold but enriches you far beyond any precious metal: friendship.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. “Friends? Really? In this age of fleeting texts and superficial likes?” Hear me out!

Imagine those moments when a simple call from a friend turned a stormy-day-sunny, or a casual meetup brewed into an epic adventure. That’s the gold I’m talking about.

Bringing in the 50th

Let me paint you a picture: As I was gearing up to hit the big five-oh (50), a wave of nostalgia and a pinch of introspection washed over me. One beacon shone unmistakably bright among the swirling memories and milestones—my friendships.

I have lovely memories that will live with me forever. I have learned from my friends, admired their qualities, and always remembered them fondly — and they give me enough reason to.

I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my milestone birthday than with my dear friends, a few of whom I had long lost touch with. We have hardly met or spoken in the last few decades except for our annual birthday wishes, mainly via text message. And just like that, I shared a hurriedly made "save the date" video with my lifelong comrades. Within hours of hitting send, every single one of them shot back a “Count me in.”

Just like that, distances and years melted away. It was as if we were back in our dorm rooms plotting weekend escapades, not scattered across continents juggling life’s curvatures.

Even more remarkable? The lengths they went to be with me. A couple rescheduled their serene getaway to a distant foreign location, and another, barely unpacked from a recent trip to India, booked a return flight without batting an eye.

And why? Because true pals don’t tally favours or keep score. They show up. Full stop.

Buddies from School

Not all friendships are created equal. They’re like plants—some invigorate your soul with oxygen, while others can entangle you in their thorns if you’re not careful who you let into your garden.

I’ve been lucky. My friends are those rare, nourish-your-soul kind of folks who’ve cheered for me, challenged me, and chiselled me into the person I am. They’re the secret ingredients to my half-century of stories, the spices that make the everyday extraordinary.

#JabWeMet as a group of four after 30 years

I can’t thank them enough. I felt blessed to reconnect with them last weekend.

So, if you’ve ever downplayed your buddy list, maybe it’s time to dust it off, rekindle those connections, and dive back into the belly laughs and bear hugs.

Because, let me tell you, when the chips are down, most likely, the one you’ll be calling is your friend who knows just how you take your coffee or who’s got that embarrassing story on standby to remind you how far you’ve come.

As we stride forward, let’s not just collect friends; let’s cherish them, nurture them, and celebrate them.

After all, isn’t life much richer when you have the right company to share it with? 

About Me

I am a thinker at all times. I see, I think. I hear, I think. I read, I think. Every weekend I write. I would love to know what you think.

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