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Have you ever felt torn between your career and your family? Do you remember one decision that intersected your personal life and work for which you’re most grateful? The one that mattered most because of which you could do what you’ve done.

Have you ever felt like you were doing well at work only to have the rug pulled out from under you? Or maybe you've been stuck in a rut, feeling like things will never improve?

The world shouts that ambition is crucial to success. But what if we took a step back and reconsidered what success means? It’s easy to admire those who fervently pursue their dreams. But ambition shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all game.

Why Well-Chosen Friends Are Life’s Blessings Have you ever wondered

Ever look at your parenting style and think, "Wow, I'm nothing like my parents with this kid stuff"? It's like we're from two different worlds.

Do you get that rush some people get from brushing elbows with the stars? Do you enjoy the thrill of capturing the perfect selfie with someone whose face graces billboards and magazine covers? Or an introduction with a celebrity followed by a short chit-chat?